Please join our Free Tai Chi and Qigong

Zoom Practices from Pondhouse Dojo.

We call them "Pondhouse Qi Gatherings."

Currently we offer 2 FREE  practice/classes a week: Wednesday,  and Saturday 10:30 - 11:30 AM.

All classes are a mixture of beginners (0-2 years), intermediate (2-5 years) and senior (5-20 years).

Our classes are on-going. That is to say, there is no beginning and no end. We emphasize the basics of tai chi and qigong - beginners learn fresh and senior students go deeper.

Our students range in age from late 30's to early 90's. Most are retired or semi-retired.  All will tell you their health has improved since starting Tai Chi.

Practices are small, informal and fun. Videos of many of the practices are available if you miss a class or want to practice on your own when it suits your energy. Virtually all of the material can be done sitting or standing.

Here's what our Zoom practices "Qi Gatherings" are like:

Our focus is directed towards health, vitality and peace of mind with emphasis on strengthening the immune system.  Slow graceful movements and focused breathe reduce stress, bring a sense of well-being and improve balance and range of motion. Presented in a fun and easy-to-learn style - enhanced with taiji philosophy, history and folklore. Most practices can be performed either sitting or standing. Each practice features:

• Gentle warmups.

• Qigong (life-force energy cultivation) for enhancing immune response for healing and well being.

• Relaxation work to calm, reduce stress and depression. This includes Tai Chi movements, self massage, breath work and meditation.

If you’re interested in checking out our zoom classes, here are a couple of links you might like to see.  The first one shows how the energy systems work in Qigong and Tai Chi. The 6 minute video familiarizes you with the terms used in most Chinese healing arts.

Next is a link to a recent practice. Play it and follow along - don’t try to remember anything. Relax. Smile. Move around a bit or do it on a chair or stool.

Let me know what you think - if you’re interested in trying out our Zoom online Qi Gathering email ( me for links.

Blessings, Estin


Tai Chi Easy Practice Leader certification students with Sifu Estin practice the Tai Chi Easy form.

Our Zoom Qi Gatherings feature simple Qigong, Tai Chi, medatation, self massage and accupressure